Lifetime Support Guarantee

We offer an unlimited lifetime support guarantee for each dog that completes the recommended number of sessions with us. This means that we will support their owner through the issues we address in our sessions with them for the rest of that dog’s lifetime. Setbacks can happen to anyone, and we will provide unlimited free email and phone/text support to help resolve these issues. If it can’t be resolved at a distance, we will either do an in-home visit at the same hourly rate previously paid, or if we are unable to (outside of service area being the primary possibility) we will assist in finding a qualified professional to do the in-person coaching and brief them on what has been done thus far.

Continuing Education

The science behind how animals learn and the techniques we can use to teach them is constantly evolving. Methods that were widely used and recommended even just a decade ago are falling out of favor as new research comes to light. We take our commitment to our clients and their pets seriously and strive to stay at the forefront of knowledge in this field.

Code Of Ethics

Additionally, our professional affiliations include our adherence to a strict code of ethics.

Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT)

International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC)

Pet Professional Guild (PPG)

Professional Memberships

Jenn has been working with me and my dog Mocha. Mocha has issues with barking at bigger dogs and people. Not good for a service dog, I knew the first time Jenn came to our house she knew what she was doing. Mocha was bark and tried to nip Jen when she came to our house Jenn just ignored Mocha. Mocha settled down and still Jenn ignored her. Now we meet Jenn and Mocha thinks she is part of her pack. Mocha still is working toward our goal of settling down work in progress. Jenn gives me great insight on working with her and is just an email or text away. We still are working and I am glad went to Jenn for help.

– Karen O.